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Solutions journalism! Engaged journalism! Equitable journalism! Solidarity journalism! Whatever happened to the good-old inverted pyramid?! It was so reliable and never changed; instead the world of media theory seems awash with new must-do tricks to improve our journalism every day. Who can blame this frazzled old editor for panicking about how to be a good journalist?
The above paragraph has two faults. First, of course there are multiple ways to be a good journalist. You don’t have to shoehorn your work into a concept for it to impact your audience.
Secondly, few new concepts are actually new, and for every thinker who comes up with a new idea there will be at least two who point out that it’s just the way journalism has always worked.
That said, if you find it useful to take a step back and look at your work through an intentional lens, and want a list of easy, actionable steps to keep your journalism fresh, this monthly article series is for you. Together we will explore how to make the most of “new” journalism concepts.
And as we’re explaining things anyway, it seems fitting to start with explanatory journalism.
Explanatory journalism is journalism that seeks to provide greater context than you’d get from a standard news article, in order to help the audience make sense of and understand the topic.
Explanatory journalism first became a thing in the 1980s, when the Pulitzer Prize introduced an award category dedicated to precisely this. Jon Franklin of the Baltimore Evening Sun was the first winner, for The Mind Fixers, his seven-part series exploring molecular psychiatry.
Its still ongoing revival started in the 2010s, partly as a response to growing online misinformation. Explanatory journalism can help inoculate the audience by countering (or even by providing accurate information before they get exposed to) inaccuracies or lies.
Whether we’re talking about fighting, for example, Russian disinformation factories or simply about how to navigate coronavirus pandemic rules, standalone explainers – the crowning glory of explanatory journalism – have proven a useful tool for attracting and retaining audiences.
They also help slow down the fast pace of modern journalism, and are a potential evergreen source of low-effort, high-impact monetisation for publishers. No wonder they’re so popular.
Much of explanatory journalism comes in the form of what we straightforwardly tend to call explainers. They don’t have to be limited to subjects that are far apart from the audience, which you assume they don’t know a lot about (an election in another country, a finance market crash, climate change); they could just as well deal with subjects very close to your audience’s lives.
Why are plumbing works on Main Street dragging on? How do you apply to local preschools? What you need to know about the football tournament. Why the mayor’s ties to a cash-grabbing scandal matter to you. Just because the audience already lives and breathes a familiar topic, doesn’t mean putting it in context in a new way isn’t helpful. It can even be light-hearted.
It can take many forms: a fact box, neat graphics, a video series and so on. It could be an article series. It could be an article in response to a reader’s question. It could be an article produced on the back of an ask-me-anything thread in your social media – a great way to boost engagement.
A question and answer explainer is an easy way to get started. It’s also one of the easiest explainers to create, because you can answer your own questions about the topic as you go along. Think of it as having a chat with a friend and explain it the way you would to them.
A key part of explanatory journalism is to make sure you always include as much context and background as the audience needs. Don’t write “Ursula von der Leyen”, write “Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission”. If you’re writing for readers who aren’t experts on EU politics, you may even want to briefly explain what the European Commission does.
At this point you might be rolling your eyes at me. Doesn’t everyone know what the European Commission does?! No. They don’t. That assumption is the first pitfall. More on that later.
Three things to do today:
Explainers are often some of the most valuable content products you can have on a news site. Every editor has at some point remarked that when you step away from the short-term traffic monitoring and look at the long term, the stories that got the most clicks over time weren’t those viral videos or those important news events, but often, simple, straightforward explainers.
So how can you make the most of them?
First of all, while some explainers will inevitably be tied to news events, the ones with the longest shelf life are the ones that aren’t. Newsrooms usually want to explicitly tie everything to a news event – where’s the hook, the impatient editor asks – but it’s worth asking: does it have to be?
Keeping all your explainers up to date is a full-time job, so save yourself the headache by making them as evergreen as possible from the beginning. Cut out references to current news – or include them only in the lede so that it’s easy to go back to them a week later and delete them.
When you write an explainer about a broad topic that you know will be relevant a year from now (say, “how to file your taxes”), but some of the details will have changed (the tax rate has been adjusted for inflation), make a note of them in a spreadsheet – a goldmine for the future. Every time you write a news story linked to the topic, make a habit of updating your explainer too.
When it comes to headlines, the more straightforward the oftentimes better. A lot of people will come to your explainer not via your site, but via search engines. Think about what search terms they’re likely to use and what’s going to attract a completely new user to your article. One of my journalism teachers used to tell us that “how to” headlines were the top performers. This was at a time when print was still dominant, but it holds true in the digital age today, over a decade later.
It’s a shame when some of your best explainers drop down the site, fall off the homepage and out of the memory of Google and his friends. Don’t hide them, celebrate them. It might not work for all news sites, but can you create a new page specifically dedicated to your explainers? Label them as explainers and communicate to your audience what you’re doing? Can you create a newsletter “how to” series? Share them as a weekly “Tuesday tip” on your social media?
Three things to do:
When you’ve been covering the same story for a while, you feel as though you’re repeating yourself. Surely the reader already knows this? But among the many humbling things a journalist has to accept is: your stories aren’t so interesting that every single member of your audience has read every single story you’ve ever produced. For every story you create, assume that there’s at least one person coming to it for the first time. Don’t turn them away on the doorstep.
Never assume that a story is too simple to explain. There’s a reason why the most popular recipe in the New York Times Cooking Database remains a no-frills beef stew from 1994. And there’s an argument to be made that in the digital age when it’s easy for casual readers to stumble on your coverage, it’s worth designing your stories partly with them in mind, too.
But there’s a fine line between explaining and over-explaining. Just as important as it is not to exclude new readers, so it is not to alienate those who are familiar with the story. It often helps to slip explanations into the conversation – you don’t have to hit your readers over the head with it. For example: “Ursula von der Leyen, who is the president of the European Commission” sounds condescending. “European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen” less so (but it depends on who you’re writing for – a group of EU politics experts arguably may not even need her title).
Think of your audience as your peers. You’re explaining something to a friend; not a teacher talking to a student or a parent to a child. Remember that your audience isn’t stupid. Assume that your readers are smarter than you but not very familiar with the subject being discussed, advised John O’Neil as part of a recent course in explanatory journalism by the Knight Center.
Don’t be tricked into thinking that explaining means having to have the answer. Going down this road can lead to over-simplistic or in the worst case misleading coverage, or coverage that is bogged down by so much detail that no one will follow it, or you end up avoiding it altogether.
Instead, explanatory journalism can be a tool for guiding the audience through a complex story not by ignoring but by shining a light on its complexities. It can explain the context, what we know and more importantly what we don’t know, without claiming to have a one-size-fits-all answer.
Three things NOT to do:
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Emma Löfgren is a senior digital news editor who believes journalism can help people find their place in the world. She works for The Local, covering Europe’s news in English for foreign residents, and also does public speaking and mentoring.
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