Journalists often get bogged down in reporting on problems. But growing evidence shows that readers want coverage of solutions. 

A new course from The Fix will explore how newsroom leaders and journalists can introduce solutions journalism in their reporting. The course is authored by Emma Löfgren, a senior digital newsroom leader, editor of The Local Sweden and contributor at The Fix

The course debuts on December 5th and consists of seven instalments exploring:

  • what is solutions journalism;
  • how to write a solutions journalism story;
  • how to introduce this approach in your newsroom;
  • how to leverage solutions journalism to engage audiences and boost revenue.

Sign up before launch to get the first email in the series on December 5th and the following six course instalments weekly.

Register before December 5th to get a chance to win a one-hour mentoring call with Emma Löfgren helping you adapt the lessons to your specific newsroom upon course completion.

Five manageable ways to introduce solutions journalism to your newsroom

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