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Editors note: This article was originally published on Entrepreneurial Journalism, created by James Breiner. You can sign up for his newsletter here.
Why write about “reasons for optimism” when so much is going wrong in our politics, economy, and environment? Optimism gives us confidence we can make things better. As I like to say, it’s another day of opportunity.
The declining quality of local news coverage in the US is contained in one statistic — newsroom employment. It peaked at 74,000 in 2006, and declined by almost 60% to 31,000 by 2020. The Pew Research Center‘s annual State of the News Media has lots of other sobering data on revenue and circulation that mirror this negative trend.
Even so, that employment statistic vastly underestimates the negative impact on quality journalism. By that I mean the kind of journalism that holds public officials accountable and covers issues relevant to people in their daily lives. That kind of reporting takes money and time to produce. Much of remaining local staff is churning out the easily produced crime reports, press releases, and sports.
People have noticed the decline in quality and have sought their news elsewhere. Paid circulation declined by more than half in that same period, according to Pew.
However, a groundswell movement has emerged to counter the negative trends. Concerned citizens, philanthropists, foundations, and public media organizations are collaborating to provide trustworthy news and information. The new news organizations span the spectrum of for-profit to non-profit, and the trend is global.
Here are some examples:
More from The Fix: Innovation in local news: Case studies from across Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Eastern Europe
The examples above show the positive developments, but let’s not avoid the challenges. Clare Malone’s article in the New Yorker, “Is there a market for saving local news?”, also explores the limitations of some of the efforts in the US. The kind of solutions that work in big cities won’t work in “news deserts” of the rural US, where people tend to be poor, have little access to broadband, and are sometimes functionally illiterate.
In addition, not everyone realizes that local news media are in crisis. The Pew Research Center found recently that 71% of those surveyed believed that local news media were “doing well financially” while only 14% said they had paid for local news in the past year. The survey was pre-covid, in 2018. Those more likely to pay for news tend to be over 50, white, and have a college education.
The Partnership on AI (artificial intelligence) asked nine experts across media, academia, civil society, and industry, How Will AI Change Local News in the Next 5 Years? On the plus side, some said AI can help publishers know and understand their audiences better and thus monetize their loyalty and attention. AI can help provide better context on the news. On the downside, the media might end up profiling their users in ways that allow them to manipulate the users’ thinking in exactly the way that dictators do. And AI might deepen the socioeconomic divide.
And let’s not forget the journalists themselves. The Nieman Lab recently published research on the question, What does the career path look like for today’s local journalists? In one city, Seattle, the answer was: bleak.
More from The Fix: Kyrgyz investigative newsroom uses AI to creatively reveal corruption
The old saying that all politics is local fits with journalism as well. News that matters most to people is local. It covers issues and problems relevant to people’s daily lives. It helps them solve problems. People engage with their communities first on the personal and local level — my family, my friends, my religious or ethnic or social group, my neighbors, my co-workers, my town, my country, my region.
That kind of news always demands our attention.
However, much of the doomsaying news we consume is about global or national problems, amplified by social networks and for-profit media that depend on sensational headlines and images to monetize our attention. In other words, all the news is bad, all the time.
The movements to restore the strength of local news organizations happen below the radar of big media platforms. At the moment, the voice of local news is not as loud as the screeching directed at us on cable and social. But the volume is growing. It’s a movement that needs our help. It’s an opportunity for us to give our time, attention, and treasure.
More from The Fix: Badanin: Without local media, there are no big stories
Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash
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