Big announcement! The Fix is coming to Germany with the goal of bringing our facts-based, solutions-focused approach to one of the biggest media markets in the world.

The driving idea: focusing on analyses instead of gossip, on the market and technological forces that shape journalism instead of just personalities.

We are launching our German-language edition at this year’s Medientage Munich, one of the largest media events in Europe, on 29 October at 14:00. We will continue to work hard on providing value and useful insights for all those who work for the success of their media.

Editorially, our focus will remain on cracking the media management puzzle, including via these format:

  • Cases Studies & Success Factors 
  • Organizational Insights & Best Practices
  • Market Research & Analyses
  • Community Events & Podcasts

The world in Germany, Germany in the world

Despite being one of the world’s biggest media markets, Germany is under-represented in the global media discourse. To put it simply, there are too few case studies, too few learnings coming out of the country.

Similarly, though, Germany needs more insights and innovation coming from abroad. Many publishers are still going through the digital transition. Others have the potential to become regional or global leaders. Likewise, German creative enterprises and MediaTech firms have tremendous potential. We hope to be of service to all of them.

The Fix is read by media executives and senior managers in over 500 media organisations

Selected examples include: The Financial Times, The Guardian, New York Times, The Economist, Der Spiegel, Forbes, Le Monde, Die Zeit, The Local, Dennik N,, The Conversation, The Telegraph, The Globe and Mail, Gazeta Wyborcza, Meduza, Ukrayinska Pravda, CNN, National Geographic, Deutsche Welle, AFP, Financieele Dagblad and many others.

International network

The Fix works as an international network with journalists from all over the world. To join us, please reach out to

We’ll keep you posted

If you would like to be kept up to date about our project, please simply press this button and send us an email. We will then add you to our distribution list. For commercial cooperation, you can reach out directly to startet deutsche Ausgabe

Die international erfolgreiche Plattform für Medienjournalismus und Medienentwicklung TheFix kommt nach Deutschland: Unter dem Motto “Journalismus anstatt Self-Promotion, Analysen anstatt Gossip” starten wir bei den diesjährigen Medientagen München am 29.10. um 14:00 Uhr unsere deutschsprachige Ausgabe. Mit Nutzwert und Insights für alle, die für den Erfolg ihrer Medien arbeiten.

Wir bieten:

  • Konzepte & Erfolgsfaktoren 
  • Insights & Best Practice 
  • Studien & Analysen
  • Events & Podcasts

Europäische Medienmärkte integrieren

Mit einer internationalen Perspektive fokussieren und analysieren Konzepte, Technologien und Erfolgsfaktoren von Medien in einem zunehmend digitalen, aber auch globaleren Umfeld. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir mithelfen, die Medienmärkte in Europa stärker zu integrieren und möchten hier als wichtiges Scharnier und relevante Vernetzungsplattform fungieren.

TheFix wird mittlerweile von Medienmanagern und leitenden Angestellten in über 500 Medienunternehmen gelesen – darunter: Financial Times, The Guardian, New York Times, The Economist, Der Spiegel, Forbes, Le Monde, Die Zeit, The Local, Dennik N,, The Conversation, The Telegraph, The Globe and Mail, Gazeta Wyborcza, Meduza, Ukrayinska Pravda, CNN, National Geographic, Deutsche Welle, AFP, Financieele Dagblad und viele andere.

Internationales Netzwerk

TheFix arbeitet als internationales Netzwerk mit Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus der ganzen Welt.

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Photo by Stefan Widua on Unsplash