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The coronavirus can’t stop our love for conferences and networking. While media around the globe are cancelling gatherings, online conferences are stepping in as an alternative.
One by one the year’s top media events were cancelled as the hashtag #CancelEverythingNow made the rounds on Twitter, dealing a huge blow both to media budgets and opportunities for networking and sharing new ideas.
In order to counter this depressing trend, the team from Slice Beta, Asia’s leading startup media conference, decided to do, as they call it, “virtual check-in” for media startups in the time of the quarantine.
They were soon joined by Outriders, a Warsaw-based interactive journalism start-up, to launch a dual Asia-Europe media gathering.
”Splice Low-Res” will appear on our screens on March 24 (3 pm Singapore time/8 am Central European Time). The main theme will focus on how media are dealing with COVID-19 and the challenges that come along with it.
“Rishad, Jakub and I have been saddened by all the cancelled media conferences this year. We felt we needed to do something to bring the community together for a chat at a time of crisis”, Alan Soon, co-founder and CEO of Splice Media, told The Fix.
“Our goal is to get people together and excited about the year ahead. We also want to learn how to execute online events well, so we can do more of this stuff this year. There will be more Low-Res coming!”, he added.
Here is the short schedule and the speaker list (times shown are for Singapore and Central European Time):
The event is free of charge and you can register here
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