The glass ceiling for women journalists in Italy feels unbreakable. What can be done? 

6 Minutes
Angelo Boccato
Article by

Angelo Boccato

The Italian media ecosystem isn’t kind to women, a fact that is corroborated by numbers. We look at what is wrong and what can be done to make things better


Francesco Guidotti is an Italian freelance journalist. He covers media, journalism and the business model of news outlets. In Italy he curates two media focused projects: Giornalisti al Microfono and Lo Spioncino dei Freelance.

Angelo Boccato
Article by

Angelo Boccato

Angelo Boccato is a London-based freelance journalist. His work on human rights, migration, the far-right, diversity, and social issues has appeared in publications like the Columbia Journalism Review, The Independent, and Open Democracy. He co-hosts the podcast Post Brexit News Explosion.

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